Center for Creative Learning

Sara Olds
BA - Humanities
MA - American Fine & Decorative Arts
Sara Olds received her Bachelor of Arts in Humanities from Brigham Young University, and her Masters of Arts in American Fine and Decorative Arts from The Sotheby's Institute in New York. Sara also completed training in Arts Integration at The Crystal Bridges Museum....
Along with her focused study in business, her academic and work careers have given her unique insight into the practical application of the arts within various academic disciplines. Her interest in education blossomed during her master's program, when she recognized the failings of the traditional school system to encourage and teach individuals to learn to learn, and love to learn. She also became keenly aware of the Humanities' unique ability to unite information from various fields and solidify understanding of new material. The Humanities also indirectly teach skills for life, including critical analysis, empathy, and tolerance to name a few.
In addition to her love of the arts, Sara loves to teach. She has taught everything from swim lessons, to voice & piano lessons, to operating her own summer camp. Inspired by her second grade teacher, Sara believes learning is, and should be fun!
World History & Geography: Middle Ages
Ages: 11-13
In Person in Valencia and also supporting Online Attendance.
Homework: REQUIRED. Each week students will be given review and analysis assignments to solidify their understanding of the material. Plan on 30-60 min minimally each week. There will also be a culminating project for each term.
PreReqs: Understanding of Ancient Civilizations through the Roman Empire is recommended.
Materials: Kit will be provided. Reading lists will also be provided to families with required and recommended readings.
The Middle Ages. Medieval Times. The Dark Ages. These are all terms used to describe the period of time following the fall of Rome, but what was this time like really? Was knowledge really lost? How did this era receive these names and what do they mean? These are just a few of the questions we will be exploring in our study of the Middle Ages.
Starting with the fall of Rome, we will study what forces, ideas and powers shaped the world from 300 AD to 1600 AD. We will learn about the influence of great political and religious leaders like Constantine and Muhammad. We will study the different ways people lived, and come to understand what life was like under the feudal system, what it was like to train to become a knight, or what life was like under the great Ghengis Khan. We will also read the great literature that came from this era. Some of the selections we will look at are: the legend of Beowulf, 1001 Arabian Nights, Dante’s Inferno, as well as study Chaucer’s literary masterpiece, The Canterbury Tales, and let’s not forget the great William Shakespeare!
Come and explore the Middle Ages and learn how rich this time really was!
Sara Olds: